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Writer's pictureMichael Mirau

Survival of the Fittest Leaders

Survival of the Fittest Leaders

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one most adaptable to change.” ~ Charles Darwin

There’s no question that surviving the corporate jungle requires intelligence, flexibility, political savvy, and the right amounts of courage and aggressiveness. Leadership is not for sissies—nor is it for authoritarian bullies.

You must be smart and emotionally intelligent to influence people, fully engage their hearts and minds, and encourage peak performance. Leaders must understand the four drives if they want to bring out the best in others and create a thriving workplace.

Great leaders can juggle multiple priorities, while making important decisions that drive people, performance, and the right organizational results. They use conscious and unconscious brain processes to form decisions in the face of uncertainty, rapid changes, and conflicting motivations.

The better we can balance our four basic drives, the more successful we’ll be at sustaining success.


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